

Our vision is driven by our passion to collaboratively support organizations’ desire for improvements for healthy working and living environments.


Our mission is to encourage,  educate, empower, and promote a positive safety culture change in private and corporate industry environments.   

Why choose us

We work with concerned leaders who want to improve the workforce safety culture that impacts environments, health, and wellness.

Reliable, Vetted Provider Network

Our training is highly rated, recommended and designed to fit your needs.

Extensive Hands-On Experience

Ensuring that every person has an active participatory experience.

Trusted Partner

Expert trainers experienced in safety and environmental leadership.

Diverse industry

Workplace safety training in all areas of industry.

Highly Motivated, Responsive Service

Committed to assisting in developing organizational cultural safety change.

Follow-Up Support

Understanding that change happens in stages.

Signature Quality
Our experience includes over twenty-five years of occupational, environmental, and safety training for thousands of professionals and organizations.
Toni Watts
CEO Precision Safety Consulting

Safety doesn’t happen by accident.

We are here to help you before the storm.